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honest Premium Cheat Review


Jan 10, 2020
Aimbot 6/10
way too snappy even on 20 smoothness. Closest Hitbox is missing. Multiple Hitbox missing.
RCS 2/10
N/A. Not gonna lie or wanna spread hate, but this is one of the worst RCS i have ever seen. Even on 5% its way too strong and extremly unlegit when you stop shooting and start shooting again.
Trigger 4/10
Barely hitting. Magnet Option missing. Multiple Hitbox missing.
Colors 10/10
Very customizable and clear.
Chams 6/10
Working but very buggy. When enemy is only partly visible, the whole body gets drawed. (Also when the enemy is inside smoke)
Misc 4/10
You should better add Lua-Support so people can add their own features because this cheats barely provides any usefull features in misc-Tab. FakeLag, EdgeJump, Adjustable Backtrack etc... are missing.
AntiAim 8/10
xdddddddddd cant understand why this is in a legit cheat but nvm. Its also completly useless because there is litterly no resolver so you can enjoy shooting peoples fake. Legit AA would be more meaning- and usefull.

All in all 6/10
Onliest reason why i bought this cheat was, bc it was very very cheap. For beginners this may be a good cheat but i would recommend buying only 1 Month to test if it meets your expectations. This cheat reminds me of Aimware v5 release when you couldnt use half of the features because they were unfinished.