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My honest review on Project Infinity!


Free Cheat User
Free Cheat User
Mar 22, 2019
First of I'd like to introduce myself is "Toxic" Normally I'd do this within a video and post it online but I've decided to do a written response. Within this thread I'll be discussing the cheat's features, what I like and dislike, and possible features to add.


Visuals : I personally think these visuals are amazing especially for Legit Cheating. So my rating will be 10/10.

Aimbot : I don't normally mess around with aimbot, but when I do and start tweaking my settings everything seems to be working EXCEPT my Anti-Aim. I've done everything
to attempt to enable this setting but I haven't figured it out yet, but I don't let this slight mistake on my behalf mess up the rating. So mainly I'd rate it a 10/10 due to the fact that all the features work properly as described.

Misc : Misc has everything a person needs and everything you really need for Legit/Rage hacking. Even though this hack was built on the sole reason for legit hacking, rage hacking isn't that hard and the hacks that are added, work perfectly fine. Rating 10/10

Inventory : The inventory is the best that I've seen from other clients, not only does it include skins, stickers, seed and skin %, it also includes constant updates for new skins and stickers, further more a medal changer WHICH I can accurately confirm that other players can see the medal you have on showcase. Therefore making others react over *for example* your Championship Medal. Great feature! 10/10

Anti-Aim : I can't seem to get this working, so I'll skip this feature for now until I've done further research and testing. ?/10

RCS : Recoil Control is somewhat essential for legit hacking (If you can't control your recoil already) From another person's perspective you look like a normal player dragging down your mouse and making sure you can hit the player accurately. This is obviously going to receive a 10/10.

Triggerbot : I have one issue with triggerbot, the feature called "Min-Accuracy" is somewhat confusing to me. Mainly do to the fact that I don't know if I should turn that up or down when using triggerbot. Other than that, the triggerbot is efficient and trustworthy, ESPECIALLY the backtrack. The backtracking was an amazing feature you guys added and I applaud you! 10/10

Features to request

• I can't seem to find anything called "Night-Mode", this is normally called something else (I think) but at this moment I can't seem to find out what that "thing" is.
• Another thing I'm actually requesting is making the menu resizable. With my currently resolution, it makes it extremely hard to read what the words are, I have to move closer to my monitor and I don't feel like messing with my eyes :)P)
• The final feature that I'm also requesting is the ability for hitmarker sounds. The sound that I personally find most satisfying is the gamesense headshot/dink sound. But if you make it possible to input your OWN custom sounds, this will make the hack EXTREMELY unique.

• PS - @Aeru You should lowkey hit me up with an extra week <3 Thanks papi.​


Free Cheat User
Free Cheat User
Mar 28, 2019
Great Review Thanks, man!