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My honest review.

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New member
May 17, 2019
I have been cheating for over half a year now, i have tried 20+ different cheats, and i will stay with this one.

Visuals: 9/10. Most of the visuals works flawlessly, i have had no problem and they work just the way they should.

Removals: 10/10. More settings than usual for this price range, works perfectly.

Hand/Weapon Chams: 8/10. Had some issues with it glitching out, but other than that works just the way they should, decent amount of settings.

Crosshair: 10/10. The crosshair works, but i see no reason in using it personally.

Damage Info: 3/10. I have messed around with it, and i cannot seem to get it to work properly, but it might just be user error, i don't really care tho as its something i don't use.

Bullet Point: 9/10. Loads of settings, works just like it should, i wish there was a way to make it just a holo circle instead.

FOV/ThirdPerson. 8/10. FOV Settins works good, Thirdperson also does work good, but i wish there was a way to bind it to a key like most other cheats have.

Grenade Prediction. 10/10. More settings than most other cheats, work really good.

BuyLog/Spectator. 8/10 Works good but i can't seem to change the color of the actual windows themself.
Players: 7/10. Everything have worked flawlessly so far.

Boxes: 10/10. Works like they should, not much to say here as i don't use it.

Radar: 9/10. Works good, but could have some more range to it.

Glow: 8/10. It looks decent, wish you could change the thickness of the glow

Chams: 10/10. Has to be some of the nicest looking chams so far, loads of settings.

Bones: 10/10. Works like they should, not much to say here as i don't use it.

Hitbox: 9/10. It works, but same as Glow, wish i could change the thickness of it.

Name: 10/10. Works like it should.

Health/Kevlar: 8/10. It works, but i would like it to just be text and not the bar.

Weapon/Ammo/Rank/Money. 10/10. Looks good, it works well. But could be some more settings to sizes fonts etc.
Weapons: 9.5/10. Works good, alot of settings compared to other cheats.

Boxes: 10/10. Has worked really good, ALOT of settings compared to competing cheats.

Glow: 10/10. Again, works really good, and has a few unique features like the pulsing.

Name: 9/10. Works, but could be more settings,

Ammo: 9/10. Same as name, works fine. But could be more settings.
Grenades: 10/10. From what i have tested it works, but as i donot use these settings i wont go deeper into this section.
Bomb: 10/10. Works really well, alot of unique features.

Boxes: 10/10. Works as they should, nothing special about it.

Glow: 10/10. Works really well, again nice unique setttings i have not seen before.

Name/Timer/Defusing. 9/10 Works well, also could have some more font etc settings.
Defuser: 10/10. Again, from what i have seen it works good, but i don't use these settings, so won't go deeper.
Aimbot: 8/10. Alot of nice features, it hits good, but it could need some more features.

Activation: 10/10. Works perfectly, nothing special.

Visuals: 9/10. Nice FOV circle, but could have settings to change the with/thickness of it.

Targeting: 8/10. Works, but could have a slider thats more easier to controll in smaller number. Also they could add nearest to the hitbox settings, so you dont go around only hitting body shots or only headshots.

Smooth: 10/10. Works, nothing out of the usual.

Backtracking/Autoshoot/Misc. I have not tested these features and i won't as i will never use them.
Trigger: 5/10. I find the trigger very obvious, i never use trigger so i won't go deeper into this.
RecoilControlSystem: 8/10. It woorks good, has decent amount of settings, but sometimes it places my crosshair unaturally high after shooting. Which can be annoying.
InventoryChanger: 15/10. Has to be the nicest inventory changer i have seen, almost no bugs. No silver textures in game. Works literally amazingly, i wish you could have custom nametags tho.
Misc: 10/10. Everything has worked good.

Main: 10/10. Everything works, nothing special.

AutoPistol: I have never used this in any cheat, and never really understood what it does, but im sure it works.

Bhop: 9/10. Normal Bhop works, autostrafe works fine. But humanising is a little too much, it makes it basically trash. If it only messed up every 3-5 hop randomly it would be fine.

Inventory: 10/10. Works like it should, nothing special.

Backtracking/Backtracking visualization: As stated before I have not tested these features and i won't as i will never use them.
AntiAim: I have never tested this feature as this cheat is a legit cheat, if you want a HVH you can find several good ones for free.
Config/SkinConfig/WeaponsConfig: 10/10.

I really enjoy how you can have seperate cheat and skinconfig configs.

Thanks for reading this review, i tried to be as honest as possible. I know some sections are very similar, but some things thers just not alot of stuff to write about it.


Staff member
Oct 29, 2018
Thanks for your huge review.
I added 5 days to your sub. Have fun
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