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Project Infinity - Best CS2 Hacks & Undetected Free CS2 Cheats

Summer sale 2020 - save 25% on every purchase!
  • 19,645
  • 1
Fellow Cheaters,

We've all had a weird first semester so far. The world has changed and also our lives have more or less changed. But one thing has become clear to me during this time. We are one big family. There was really so much cohesion and beautiful moments in this incredible community during this difficult time.

Please enjoy the summer with your families and friends and have a good time. Take care of yourselves and value your life as it is too short to be negative. I wish you a nice holiday, vacation or whatever you do. Of course there will be a summer sale again this year. From now on there is a -25% discount on all products until August, 16. Please use coupon code "Summer20" to get the discount.

Have fun and enjoy!

As of today, you'll be able to save 25% on every purchase with the discount code "Summer20".​
This promotion is valid until 15.08.2020.
  • 52,153
  • 267
Fellow Cheaters,

We decided again to do a big giveaway for our great community!

1. Lifetime Premium Subscription by Project: Infinity
2. Lifetime License for Bancheaters.com (Reportbot)
3. 2000 Ingame commends by commendbot.com
4. 1 Month Premium subscription by Project: Infinity
5. 1 Month License for Bancheaters.com (Reportbot)
6. 1000 Ingame commends by commendbot.com

How to join the giveaway:
1. Make a comment on this reddit post (click here) und JOIN the subreddit! (click here - required!)
Official Giveaway 300.000 Members Giveaway! Lifetime Premium + Commendbot.com Packages!
  • 88,678
  • 1,439
Congratulations to the winners:

Place 1: @SimsonPlay with a lifetime project infinity subscription
Place 2: @neps 2000 CSGO Commends sponsored by https://commendbot.com
Place 3: @ZebTheNo 1 Month project infinity subscription.
Place 4: @JSFin 1000 CSGO Commends sponsored by https://commendbot.com

Please PM @Kulpa to claim your prizes

Fellow Cheaters,

Finally we have reached the 300.000 members! Of course we celebrate this with a big giveaway! Thanks a lot for your loyalty!

1. Lifetime Premium Subscription by Project: Infinity
2. 2000 Ingame commends by commendbot.com
3. 1 Month Premium Subscription by Project: [COLOR=rgb(26, 188...
EASTER SALE 2020! 20% Discount!
  • 8,137
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Fellow Cheaters,

To celebrate Easter, we've added a discount code which gives you 20% discount on all our subscriptions!

This special offer only lasts until 21/4/2020, don't miss it!

Buy here: https://project-infinity.cloud/csgo-cheats/premium-cs-go-cheat.1/

We wish you a happy Easter with your family and enjoy the cheat!

Happy cheating!
Project: Infinity
  • 21,812
  • 0
Fellow Cheaters,
Many of you will already have noticed it, a new virus is floating around and endangers us. In many countries schools, universities and other businesses have already closed. The WHO has officially declared the outbreak a pandemic.

The virus itself is not extremely dangerous. The biggest problems are caused by the high incidence and the lack of capacity of hospitals. Therefore we are all now somewhat challenged to limit ourselves. To protect the weak and elderly. And I think it also affects each of us personally (grandparents etc.).

I don't want to go into details, I just ask you to use your brain and follow the instructions of your governments. To make you as comfortable as possible at home we offer the following action from today: With copoun code "COVID-19" you get 25% discount on your purchase. This offer is valid until 05.04.2020

Stay healthy.
Project: Infinity
Official Giveaway February Giveaway - 2x 1 Month Premium + 1x Prime CS:GO Account
  • 31,407
  • 152
Fellow cheaters,

welcome to our official giveaway!

Today you can win 2x 1 Month of our premium CSGO Cheat + 1 PRIME CS:GO ACCOUNT! Thats our way to give something back to our great community!


  1. Prime CS:GO Account (sponsored by exyte.club)
  2. 1 Month of our Premium CS:GO Cheat
  3. 1 Month of our Premium CS:GO Cheat
How to enter our giveaway:

Join the exyte.club discord:
Join the project infinity discord:

(We will check if you are on our discords if you win!) We will pick random users from the discord ;)

Thanks to exyte.club for the giveaway sponsor.

The giveaway ends on the 25th of February. We will anounce the winners on the 26th.

Have fun and good luck to all!

Project: Infinity

