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My honest review about Project Infinity

  • Thread starter Deleted member 136777
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Deleted member 136777

After nearly 7 months of legit cheating i feel like i can give a decent review on the cheat.

About me: i joined PI about 1,5 years ago and started with the free version and went on with the premium one.
This review will contain my opinion on the free AND premium version.
(pls dont judge my english : D )

FREE Version:

It has the stuff you need to get started with CS:GO cheating.
Visuals, Misc, Triggerbot ( Triggerbot is very accurate -> personal experience)
Nothing to complain about the free version : )

In my opinion the free version is well suited for beginners.

PREMIUM Version:

I will split my review into a few topics to keep a certain structure.

The menu:
The menu is very easy to understand. You don't need to search long for features since everything is very well sorted.
All in all it looks clean and modern.

The visuals is one reason why I love to play with Project Infinity. The visuals look good, you can adjust EVERYTHING colors, style of chams etc.
The part where you can change the colors of the cheat is separated into a own tab and is very easy to config.

Soo my experience with the aimbot is pretty positive. There are times where it does't hit anything but thats more a config/playstyle issue than the cheats fault.
What i absolutly love about the aimbot section is the "Draw field of view" part.

I don't use the trigger that often myself but its pretty much the same as in the free version even better.

RCS (Recoil Control System):
All I can say is that it does its job and is easy to use after some playtime with it.

:infinity: Inventory Changer :infinity:
The inventory changer is the thing I like the most, It looks legit because the skins are displayed in your inventory,
medalls show up in Lobbys and it is easy to use. 11 out of 10

There are all features you would need for CS:GO. Rank reveal, auto accept, bunnyhop, autostrafe, backtrack, etc.

Anti Aim:
It is okay but I would personally prefer Legit-AntiAim since it does not really fit into a legit cheat.

The configs work fine, exept a bug where the config below gets deleted instead of the actual config you want to delete
This can be annoying af bc you need to remake the config.
The bug I am talking about: Video

I never got hit by a VAC-Ban because of Project Infinity.
If you go blatant and make a visit in Overwatch you can't blame the cheat for it.

What i would love to see in future updates:
Working weapon configs ; ) and sound esp.

Thats it with my little review about Project Infinity. If you got any other opinion/questions or think i forgot something let me know.

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Premium User
Oct 25, 2019
ur just lying, tell them the truth bruh, are you an fake acc or do u get paid by the admin for tlaking shit ?

Deleted member 136777

ur just lying, tell them the truth bruh, are you an fake acc or do u get paid by the admin for tlaking shit ?
I would love to get paid to tell the truth but can't have everything i guess. I injected Pi on 6 different accs 3 of them got overwatch banned and one got vaced becaus of OTC3. An no i aint a fake account.


Premium User
Oct 25, 2019
i got vac ban on literally 4 acc including my main ... iTs sAfE jUsT iNjEcT aNd LeGiT cOnfiG

Deleted member 136777

i got vac ban on literally 4 acc including my main ... iTs sAfE jUsT iNjEcT aNd LeGiT cOnfiG
1. why would you inject a cheat on your main? 2. what config are you using?


Infinity Member
Jun 10, 2019
While hacking and playing legit you also need to have a movement of playing and the most important thing you need is a brain to hack.. its not like you spray while clicking on the trigger button using backtrack etc and kill 1v5 . I've been using this hack for a quite long time and i love it.. got no vacs or ow
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Infinity Member
Jan 7, 2020
i got vac ban on literally 4 acc including my main ... iTs sAfE jUsT iNjEcT aNd LeGiT cOnfiG
Yeah that must be on you mate, have had this hack for a long time on the same acc with no vacs still.
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