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VERY detailed and HONEST premium cheat review


Infinity Member
Jun 28, 2019
I will be reviewing the cheat only by what it currently offers.


1)Disable Flashbang Effects 5/10
-Doesn't have indicators.
-No opacity options.

2)Disable Smoke Effects 5/10
-Doesn't have indicators (timer, outline, wireframe)
-No opacity options

3)Disable View Punch 4/10
-Doesn't work while RCS is on

4)Sky/World Texture Coloring 7/10
-Does't have rainbow mode
-Doesnt have hp based color mode

5)Hand/Weapon Chams 4/10
-Needs more drawing types
-Does't have rainbow mode
-Doesnt have hp based color mode
-Can't use weapon chams only. It draws on hand too.

6)Hitmarker 9/10
-Doesn't have a sound mode

7)Crosshair, Damage Info and Bullet Point 5/10
-Doesn't disable/copy the original crosshair
I suggest forging all this three together and remake it

-custom crosshair
-show spread option which follows the bullet point while spraying
-recoil mode (only moves while spraying)

8)Field Of View 4/10
-Viewmodel offset doesn't have xyz and roll options
-Viewmodel offset doesn't have a disable if scoped option

9)Third Person 1/10
-Doesn't have a toggle keybind
-Third person range isn't working most of the time.
-Disable if scope option is useless
-Doesn't have a disable when using grenades option

10)Grenade Prediction 5/10
-Doesn't have explosion/fire radius indicator
-Doesn't have greande helper
-Only works on local player
-Doesn't have a landing prediction option

11)Buy Log and Spectators 8/10
-Menus can be reworked

Overall 5/10


1)Main 3/10
-Doesn't have options for Enemy, Team and Local seperatley

2)Boxes 10/10
-Doesn't have rgb
-Does't have enough drawing types

3)Radar 9/10
-Extra radar window
(so it can be stream proof, and can show health etc.)

4)Glow 0/10
-It works even if you disable the main switch
-Drawing types other than normal is broken (Only highlights 1 person)
-Not enough draw types
-Color option not working while chams is on

-Not enough drawing types
-Doesn't have RGB mode

6)Bones 10/10
-Should have a include head option
-Different color/thickness options for different bones(hitboxes)

7)Hitbox 7/10
-More drawing options
-Different color options for different bones(hitboxes)

8)Name 10/10
-Color options

9)Health 10/10
-Health color not working

10)Kevlar 8/10
-Percenrage overlapping with health bar and percentage

11)Weapon 9/10
-Doesn't have a weapon icon option
-Doen't have a color option
-Doesn't have a draw on scoreboard option

12)Ammo 9/10
-Doesn't have a color option

13)Rank 0/10
-Draw wins should be drawn on scoreboard
-Doesn't have a color option

14)Money 0/10
-Draw money should be drawn on scoreboard
-Doesn't have a color option

Overall 7/10


1)Boxes 2/10
-Doesn't draw when making a new cfg ingame
-Doen't have RGB color option

2)Glow 0/10
-Can't turn off
-Not enough drawing types

3)Name 2/10
-Doesn't draw when making a new cfg ingame
-Doesn't have color options

4)Ammo 2/10
-Doesn't draw when making a new cfg ingame
-Doesn't have color options

Overall 1/10


1)Boxes 2/10
-Doesn't draw when making a new cfg ingame

2)Glow 0/10
-Can't turn off
-Not enough drawing types

3)Name 2/10
-Doesn't draw when making a new cfg ingame
-Doesn't have color options

4)Tracers 2/10
-Doesn't draw when making a new cfg ingame
-Dropped(not used) grenades will leave tracer effects

Overall 1/10


1)Boxes 2/10
-Doesn't draw when making a new cfg ingame

2)Glow 0/10
-Can't turn off
-Not enough drawing types

3)Name 2/10
-Doesn't draw when making a new cfg ingame
-Doesn't have color options

4)Timer 3/10
-Doesn't draw bombsite
-Can't see the remaining time unless you can see the c4.

5)Defusing 8/10
-Should be in timer

Overall 4/10


1)Boxes 2/10
-Doesn't draw when making a new cfg ingame

2)Glow 0/10
-Can't turn off
-Not enough drawing types

3)Name 2/10
-Doesn't draw when making a new cfg ingame
-Doesn't have color options

Overall 1/10


1)Activation 9/10
-Doesn't have toggle option

2)Visuals 6/10
-FOV circle doesn't represent the real aimbot fov while scoped
-Doesn't have RGB option

3)Targeting 2/10 (not 0 because i love the neck hitbox)
-Can't select multiple hitboxes
-Doesn't have closest hitbox option
-Doesn't have min damage

4)Hitscan 1/10
-This should be removed or added to all visibilty check options

5)Bactracking 6/10
-Can't adjust backtrack ms

6)Auto Shoot 4/10
-Min accuracy can be improved A LOT

7)Misc 6/10
-Auto stop should be renamed to full-stop
-Should add auto slow walk and modes to it.

Overall 6/10


1)Activation 9/10
-Doesn't have toggle option

2)Bactracking 6/10
-Can't adjust backtrack ms

3)Targeting 3/10
-*Can't select multiple options
-Doesn't have min damage
-Doesn't have magnet mode
-Min accuracy needs to be improved
-Doesn't have auto stop

*This results in triggerbot missing most of the time because i keep shooting enemies left pinky finger

Overall 6/10


Doesn't work with pistols 9/10


-Skins won't update when equipped mid round.
-Knife kills appear as stock knife in th killfeed
-Can't use the shuffle feature
-Doesn't have live StatTrak update
-Custom skin selection is hard.
-Can't add cases, keys, sticker capsules, music kits etc.

Overall 7/10


1)Main 8/10
-Cant shoot manually while auto revolver is active

2)Auto Pistol 7/10
-Better min accuracy

3)Bunny Hop 7/10
-Not enough auto strafe mode

4)Backtracking 8/10
-Can't adjust backtrack ms

Overall 8/10


-This existed?

Overall 0/10


-It can be more user friendly

Overall 8/10


-It can be more user friendly
-I LOVE skin configs being separated

Overall 9/10


-Can't edit the setting unless you are holding the weapon

Overall 4/10


-Watermark is not working
-Menu color settings would be nice (I love the white theme tho)
-We should be able to scale the menu no matter what

Overall 9/10

In my opinion cheat is a 5/10 This review was about what it currently has.
I might post a new thread about what features should be added (like DangerZone mode etc)